An event that gathers programmers with different abilities to "hack" and create a project in a limited amount of time.
PixelHacks was founded as the Bay Area's first student-run, all-female high school hackathon. It was a 24-hour, overnight hackathon as attendees work to build a software project that addresses a real-world problem. Our mission is to encourage women to pursue computing and technology and promote diversity in this ever-growing field. In 2017, 70 women attended PixelHacks I. In 2018, 120 women attended PixelHacks II. In 2019, 170 women attended PixelHacks III.
8:15 AM - Doors Open
9:00 AM - Opening Ceremony
10:00 AM - Begin Hacking!
12:00 PM - Virtual & Augmented Reality Workshop
12:30 PM - Lunch is served
01:00 PM - Intro to App Development in Android Workshop
01:00 PM - Machine Learning Workshop
02:00 PM - Intro to Artificial Intelligence Workshop
02:00 PM - Workshop TBD
03:00 PM - Intro to iOS App Development Workshop
03:00 PM - Web Development in HTML Workshop
05:00 PM - Women in Tech Panel
06:30 PM - Dinner is served
09:00 PM - Cup Stacking Activity
12:00 AM - Midnight Snack
07:30 AM - Breakfast is served
10:00 AM - Submissions due
10:15 AM - Start judging
11:30 AM - Judges deliberate, NCWIT Post-Event Survey & PixelHacks III survey
-->12:00 PM - Closing Ceremony + Awards
01:00 PM - End of PixelHacks III
PixelHacks IV will be held on 1/25-26, 2020 (yes, it is overnight). It will be hosted at venue TBA.
Registration is now open! Sign up at this link.
You don't need to have a team formed beforehand - you can form teams during the hackathon. Each team can have 2 to 4 individuals.
Absolutely not! There will also be workshops where you can improve your skills, mentors throughout the hackathon to help you personally, and you can also learn from other students!
This event, including all food, swag, and prizes, is completely free!
Any high school student who identifies as a female may apply and attend.
Please register to be a mentor, panelist, or judge here, we'd love to have you!
You should bring a valid ID, laptop, chargers, and other devices you may want to use. Additionally, be sure to bring a sleeping bag, a pillow (if you want), and any toiletries you use.